digital art workspace one source code

As you probably knows if you follow my blog, I'm using exclusively a GNU/Linux operating system for my workstation. I produce everything I do with it (webcomic, website, book, freelance, videos, etc...) and all of that since more than ten years now. Along the way, I tried so many existing solution for my workstation!.. And that's not a little journey because on this type of systems the options are numerous as you can see by yourself on this graph representing the development of various Linux distributions..

From April 2018 to end 2019, I used the same distro: Kubuntu 18.04 LTS and I was happy with it. It's even the first time I stick 1, 5 year with the same operating system. I updated it recently to the latest version of Kubuntu 19.10 and this version made me even happier!

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So, I decided to take notes on the way while reinstalling everything as I did over the last ten years when I wrote my previous five long install guide. Then the notes transformed into a draft, and now you'll find on this article two parts. First, my reasons to use it and why I advice it for a digital painting workstation. In a second and last part, I'll detail my tips, command-lines and methods to adapt the base Kubuntu install into an operating system similar to the one I use.

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This article might help newcomers or even advanced user facing same problematic as I do and will answer the question "What distro do you use?" I keep receiving all the time. It might also anticipate the "Have you tried xxxxxx?" / "Why do you think xxxxx is better?" replies I often get back. :-)

But almost all distros provide that so here is a list of what I prefer specifically on Kubuntu 19.10 compared to other existing solutions:

Kubuntu 19.10 ships out of the box with a first class and fully featured tablet configuration panel, including the possibility to setup all buttons (eg. modifier on stylus button as "Ctrl"), add profiles and switch between them, mapping to custom area and support of multi monitors switch and calibration for pen-display!... That's something that no other desktop environment has to the date (the closer being GNOME but with many features missing in comparison). On the past, I ran custom bash script for years before having the possibility to setup my tablet this way. By the way, if you wonder what type of tablet I'm using, it's a Intuos4 XL (using only 3/4 of the total active surface) with a recent stylus (from Cintiq 13HD era) and with a Huion WH1409 overlay sheet and a DIY wood deck for my keyboard on the non-used upper part because of the mapping (see photo on the header of the article). For the why, read this article because it is a bit too long for here.

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Dolphin, the file explorer of Kubuntu can generate very large thumbnails for your artworks as you can see under. It supports a lot of image format: Krita source files (kra), Open Raster (ora), Photoshop files (psd) and many other classics (png, jpg, etc...). This is very comfortable to work on a project with many illustrations where very often the filename is not relevant and where your decision of editing will be made according to the content of the thumbnails.

This compatibility will also affect the image viewer and you'll be able to display psd and kra files instantly like for any other usual image format (jpg, png, tiff, tga). This ability to quick preview a heavy layered source file really helps in production.

If you work with incremental saves or many versions of the same image project, having the ability to read larger thumbnail will be help you in your editing choices. You'll also have a better overview on your projects while working on them. I know it sounds a bit obvious; but not for everyone because the mainstream popular file explorer on GNU/Linux —Nautilus— limited by design all the thumbnails to 128px pixels maximum and keeps adding a confusing white rounded border around the picture that alter the representation of pictures.

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On Kubuntu you can change the color of the theme in the settings. This possibility allows the quick setup of a neutral gray UI, an important feature for working with colors balance. Many themes from other distros force color brand on users; including a flashy main color for selection in relation with the logo. This research of an identity via a strong color damage the work of those who works with colors. And making theme with slightly colored gray (cold or warm) is worst.

Another great feature, are custom colored directories and Git integration in the file explorer; for a person like me with a memory driven for color, shapes and position this is precious to organize my files. I can also see that way what files changed recently and possibility to pull, push, add and commit via the right-click menu. In my opinion, Kubuntu opens Git contribution to non-developer and that's something precious for teamwork.

Ok, now let's start with how to get everything working like that. Quick usual disclaimer: this article gives no warranty and do all of this at your own risk. I tested all of that on my workstation while reinstalling, I tested it again for my laptop and that's all I can help. I tried to detail all the steps to be friendly with newcomers: Mac and Windows users.

 - Digital Art Workspace One Source Code

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You'll find a free copy of Kubuntu on their website, menu 'Download'. If you are not familiar with how to write an ISO to a USB flash drive, I recommend following the information down the download page of the Ubuntu website with specific information for user coming from Windows, MacOS or other operating systems.

Before booting on the flash drive USB, I'll recommend to have a full backup of any important data. While installing Kubuntu, use the manual partition tool when Kubuntu ask where to install it. This option will open an interface to manage how to split your disk into partitions. I propose here:

Once installed and during the first reboot, press your menu button and start typing "Disco" to select Discover; "the app store" of Kubuntu. You'll find at the bottom a "Sources" button. This one will open a panel with a button on the top "Software Sources", click it and enter your password. On the first tab, select the best mirror (Download from > Other > Select Best Server). You'll save a ton of time for the updates if you do that after the first launch.

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Then go to the tab 'Additional Drivers' and install the proprietary proposed driver (especially if it makes your hardware more stable and performs better, a common situation on GNU/Linux for NVidia drivers, unfortunately.)

When all of that is done, close this dialog and in Discover press the colored "Update" button and do all the updates: a fresh system always have a lot of update to do.

Workspace ONE Access Architecture - Digital Art Workspace One Source Code

As an alternative, you can do the same update with this two lines inside "Konsole" the terminal app of Kubuntu. This line will ask for your password as the change affect your operating system. Just note that Ctrl+C works to copy this lines but you'll need to Ctrl+Shift+V to paste it inside Konsole, because Ctrl+V is reserved historically to other terminal based features.

Workspace One Unified Endpoint Management (uem)

Modifier Key on your keyboard to move windows. This is something apparently Developers enjoys more than anything because it will never change despite my efforts reporting it. This important modifier key is used in software like Krita and Blender. You can fortunately change this behavior, and transfer this feature to the

Hot corners are probably cool but doesn't work very well with a tablet. I tend to forget about them, then I quickly remember as I take back a mouse. Kubuntu comes with a predefined hot corner to show all windows, it can be deactivated this way:

Darkening the parent windows often breaks usability of visual apps (eg. a color picker windows that can't access color of the parent).

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This feature allows one to drag the window from any pixels inside the GUI. With a stylus in hand, it leads to many unintentional drag as soon as someone tries to adjust a slider a bit quickly.

Workspace ONE UEM Architecture - Digital Art Workspace One Source Code

In the settings: Application Style > (check the little configuration icon near to 'Breeze') > in the 'Configure Breeze' panel turn "Windows drag Mode" to title-bar only".

By default, Kubuntu will restore at startup all the app that were still opened at shutdown. If you prefer starting fresh with an empty desktop:

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In the settings: Startup and Shutdown > Login Screen (SDDM) > choose "Start with empty session" or the computer will launch all programs open when you pressed the shutdown button.

For French AZERTY keyboard, numbers are more accessible via the numpad. But without a persistent numlock key you'll have to press numlock every start, unless: In the settings: Hardware > Input device > Numlock on startup "Turn on"

Having blueish gray, or warm gray on the user interface can mess with your perception of color

 - Digital Art Workspace One Source Code

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